Turkish director, executive producer and script writer Biray Dalkiran’s first Hollywood movie “The Crossbreed” has been announced a few months ago. Succesful director was working on the project and aggregating the crew and the cast of the movie in Los Angeles.
Shooting has been started in February and full cast has been finally revealed. Angela Durazo, Nathan Schellerup, Malinda Farrington and Danny Winn are in leading roles. Katy Bentz, Sofia Domingues, Kristine Hayworth, Krystal Tini, Chad Ayers, Marqus Bobesich, Lou Cariffe, Mignon Farmani, Shaina Schmid, Lidia Pryor and Rina Johnson are also in the cast.
The Crossbreed – Teaser Poster
Angela Durazo, Nathan Schellerup, Biray Dalkıran
Danny Winn, Malinda Farrington, Biray Dalkıran
Nathan Schellerup, Angela Durazo, Biray Dalkıran
“The Crossbreed” will be the 9th feature film of Biray Dalkiran, It’s an horror thriller movie which tells the story of a journalist couple researching a mysterious event in a village. Short synopsis says: “Amy wants to secretly abort her baby. Little does she know she is just a pawn in the master plan of the evil’s arrival.”
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